Risk identification at the early stages of the design
Prevention and inherent safety principles are the most efficient and economic solutions to avoid anomalies in the process design.
Prevention and mitigation of major fire hazards
Fire Hazards are the primary concern of every industrial site and system. A careful planning and emergency system design is crucial.
Operational hazards and risk identification
One of the major hazard, in the process industry, is the poor operational planning. Our services provide support in the planning and management of safe operations.
Health, Safety & Environment
Due to our expertise in the industrial field, and our experience in the project management and development under the most stringent safety regulations, CONSER can offer a wide range of technical activities related to the HSE for the different life stages of the project.
Our HSE team can provide the following activities:
- Risk Analysis
- In-house Personnel Training and Courses
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- HAZID (HAZard IDentification Study)
- HAZAN (HAZard ANalysis)
- HAZOP (HAZard and OPerability Study)
- FMECA (Failure Made and Criticality Analysis)
- WHAT IF Analysis
- ETA (Event Tree Analysis)
- FTA (Fault Tree Analysis)
- LOPA (Layer Of Protection Analysis)
- SIL (Safety Integrity Level)
- RAM (Reliability Availability Maintainability)
- In-house Personnel Training and Courses
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Safety Philosophy Reports /Basis of Safety Reports
- HSE Management Service
- Safety Design:
- Operating Manuals and Procedures development
- Emergency Plans drafting
- HSE Management Service
- Safety Design:
- Fire Zone
- Fire Fighting
- Fire Proofing
- Fire and Gas Detection
- Electric Hazardous Area Classification
- Flare System Design
- Operating Manuals and Procedures development
- Emergency Plans drafting
All the studies are performed in respect of the international standards like API, ASME, NFPA, ISO, BS ISO or similar, in accordance with the local regulation as requested.
For any queries or quotation please feel free to contact us